Skin Cancer and Reconstruction
Repairing the skin of the face after skin cancer removal or repair after Mohs’ surgery aims to reconstruct the soft tissue defect that results from removal of skin cancer.
Dr. Sarcia uses specialized techniques to help restore your appearance that include replacing the removed skin with grafts or transfer of adjacent skin, and using suture techniques to minimize visible scarring.
Skin cancer repair can be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation as well as under general anesthesia depending on the extent of the planned procedure.
While most of these procedures are done in the outpatient setting, some may require a short overnight hospital stay to ensure patient safety.
Return to normal activity levels may take 1-2 weeks. Your appearance will gradually refine over the following 6-8 weeks as the scars heal.
Secondary procedures including further revisions of the initial surgery as well as dermabrasion or laser treatments may be recommended to further improve your results.
Skincare and sun protection are essential during healing and to maintain your results and skin health.