Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty or "Upper eyelid tuck" as it is sometimes referred to can take on a number of different meanings depending on the context of the patient's condition and who you talk to. In general, Upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is a procedure that is performed to remedy the excess skin that accumulates on the upper eyelid over time.
Each time you blink, the skin on your upper eyelid stretches and contracts and over time can become redundant and fold over itself. This can impede peripheral vision as well as contribute to an overall "tired" appearance.
Sometimes "puffiness" or bulging of the upper eyelids is noted and can also represent a normal sign of the aging process. This can also be addressed during a blepharoplasty procedure.
Dr. Sarcia performs Upper Eyelid blepharoplasty surgery in about 20-30 minutes in an outpatient setting. Local anesthetic and mild sedation is administered during the surgery by our Anesthesia team. After the procedure, we ask patients to take about a week off of heavy activity and to expect about 2-4 weeks of gradually resolving bruising and swelling. Sun protection with a good pair of sunglasses is strongly encouraged to help with the healing process.
This procedure may seem small in scope but can have a tremendous impact on appearance and function of a patient's eyes. It typically restores about 8-10 years to the appearance of the eye region and increases the patient's ability to see peripherally.
Insurance does cover this surgery if patient's meet their carriers' requirements:
Patients are required to have a Visual Field Examination performed by their eye doctor where their peripheral vision is tested.
They must then be evaluated by Dr. Sarcia.
If the patient's condition satisfies their insurance's requirements, and they are deemed a good surgical candidate, the procedure may be scheduled.