Male Breast
Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia correction, aims to surgically reduces the size of the male breast.
Male breast reduction surgery can achieve a firmer, flatter more masculine chest by reducing unwanted fat and excess glandular tissue that contributes to an enlarged male breast.
Incisions to treat gynecomastia are inconspicuously placed around the nipple and areola or under the natural fold of the chest and breast. Liposuction techniques may be used to enhance the outcome of the procedure or, in some cases, may be used on its own to achieve the desired results.
These surgical procedures are typically done in an outpatient setting under general anesthesia, but may require an overnight stay when combined with other procedures.
Recovery depends on the extent of the procedure. Light activity is typically achieved in 5-7 days, with more intense activities like fitness regimens can be resumed in about 4-6 weeks.
Results may be long-term, but weight loss/gain, or natural aging may alter your appearance.